Business Analytics

Managed Services on Business Analytics

Solutions and services for accountants
How we replace you Excel data to compelling and persuasive visual experience?

We offer business intelligence solutions to small and medium business using SAP Crystal presentation Design tools. The major advantage is we can offer you solutions with your and existing data and without changing your IT platform.

The output dash boards and analysis delivered to you in the form of Adobe flash and adobe acrobat. We add visual clarity to Your Microsoft Excel–based data. Your Excel based data get transformed to Dash boards and you can do what if analysis. This helps you to take faster and intelligent decisions. This uncover issues and problems which you were not noticed before because of the abundance data and transactions in your business.

Our collaborative platform helps you to share the data presentation to appropriate members in your organization.

What you get in place of your Excel look data

Dynamic charts and graphs, including bar charts, pie charts and create interactive and engaging data visualizations.

You have many spread sheets in your organization which give different sets of data. With dashboards you get all spread sheets data to a single visualization.

You KPI Key performance indicators can be modelled and simplified using visual analytics.

Budgeting and forecasting made using visual interactive tools.