IT Infrastructure

Managed services on IT Infrastructure


We setup and manage Server virtualization on various platforms VMware, Citrix and Microsoft Hyper V. Our virtualization portfolio includes desktop virtualization, server virtualization and application virtualization.

We can size your hardware and maintain the whole infrastructure with storage, High availability and disaster recovery.

Remote installation and remote management. Adhere to the ITIL V3 standards for service delivery.

Backup recovery solutions for your Network

You have ­different kind of data. You have XL fi‑les, word fi‑les, images, emails, database of your application software which is spread across your servers and client devices.

You have servers and client devices with di­fferent operating systems each and every user has got an “environment” with their apps, data and settings. In case of failure or corruption you need to restore back to your old environment within minutes so that your business time is not aff­ected.

Today’s world is increasingly virtual and you need to back up the system state and data inside each virtual machines.

How to backup virtual machines and data inside VM’s

You may have multiple operating systems in your virtualization infrastructure. There will be applications, emails, fi‑les and database in each operating systems. So you need to take back up these fi‑les inside the virtual machines. So you need connectors to back up the same. Virtual infrastructure can be of Vmware, Citrix, or Hyper V and you need appropriate connectors.